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ckanext-doi documentation

This extension assigns a digital object identifier (DOI) to datasets, using the DataCite DOI service.

When a new dataset is created it is assigned a new DOI. This DOI will be in the format:[prefix]/[8 random alphanumeric characters]

If the new dataset is active and public, the DOI and metadata will be registered with DataCite.

If the dataset is draft or private, the DOI will not be registered with DataCite. When the dataset is made active & public, the DOI will be registered. This allows datasets to be embargoed, but still provides a DOI to be referenced in publications.

You will need a DataCite account to use this extension.

DOI Metadata

This extension currently uses DataCite Metadata Schema v4.2.

Dataset package fields and CKAN config settings are mapped to the DataCite Schema with default values, but these can be overwritten by implementing IDoi interface methods.

Required fields

CKAN Field DataCite Schema
dataset:title title
dataset:author creator
config:ckanext.doi.publisher publisher
dataset:metadata_created.year publicationYear
dataset:type resourceType

See for full mapping details.